Built for speed

Design 10× faster

Generate placeholder content quickly to populate your designs. No need to waste time creating data, searching for dummy images, or writing placeholder text.

Stress test designs

Make your designs more realistic

Connect to your own content sources and use real content in your designs. Quickly bring your design closer to what will be shipped to users and easily stress test with content that will be used in production.

Source of truth

Add logic to your designs

Create mappings between your content and components to speed up populating multiple instances. Add if-this-then-that logic to your variants and bring your designs closer to real product behaviour.

Connect Figma to your own content

Wherever your content lives, you can connect it to data.to.design.
Use real content to bring your designs closer to what is in production.

Diagram of different content tools being input into data.to.design

See what our users have to say…

data.to.design is a huge timesaver and gives you a better picture of how your designs will look with real content.
Katie Grogan
Live data plays a big role in my design process. Thanks to data.to.design, I can now use it without any hassle and shorten my process which makes it a key tool for me.
Florian Bölter
data.to.design is an essential part of my daily workflow as a product designer. Viewing designs with real content is key for creating the best products possible.
Yusuf Mian
data.to.design is a huge timesaver and gives you a better picture of how your designs will look with real content.
Katie Grogan


Live data plays a big role in my design process. Thanks to data.to.design, I can now use it without any hassle and shorten my process which makes it a key tool for me.
Florian Bölter


data.to.design is an essential part of my daily workflow as a product designer. Viewing designs with real content is key for creating the best products possible.
Yusuf Mian




For personal use
  • 1 user
  • 2 datasets
  • 3 mappings
    1000 records
    per dataset
Install in Figma


For large teams
  • All Team features
  • 5+ team members
  • Over 100 datasets
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